The Power of Decision 8 week class
We’re studying The Power of Decision by Raymond Charles Barker.
The Gift of Giving
Challenge yourself to find ways to give. It is the gift that you give yourself. To decide not to give only hurts you or perpetuates a consciousness that most of us would like to change. Most people would like more intimacy, more close friends, and people who genuinely care about them. You know what to do.
Well Being and Bliss
Ernest Holmes wrote, “Wherever you go, know that the Spirit of Truth goes before and prepares the way, bringing to you every friend and influence that will be necessary to your comfort and well-being”
How Love Heals
Regarding healing, over 25 years ago Louise again said: “I don’t heal anyone. I create a space where people can learn how incredibly wonderful they are, there by teaching them to love themselves”.
Discovering Power and Magic in You
The power is within us and we can learn how to use it.
Gratitude Changes Everything
Regardless of the inherent or current level of someone’s gratitude, let’s level up with gratitude. It may feel silly or contrived at first, this mental state grows stronger with use and practice. No matter where you are on a scale of gratitude, it is something we can increase or take up a level. It’s a superpower we can successfully cultivate further.
Courage to Thrive
Here is something to think about, “We are done only when we say we are done”. It’s too late, when we say it’s too late, too old when we say so. Power is there, sustaining power when we allow it to guide us. Willingness is the key and the courage to listen and respond in faith.
Change Your Life with New Thinking
Are you ready to handle an infinite source? Suppose you could plug into a circuit that has a universal unlimited power source. How would you handle it or would it instantly destroy you?
Wisdom that leads to Freedom
Final freedom will come only as it is tied into wisdom.
We want to develop the wisdom to know that life and people cannot be divided against each other “Life cannot be divided against itself.”
Spiritual Freedom in consciousness
Remember, “If you don’t feel like you fit into this world, it is because you are here to create a new one “. You cannot get more independent than that. You are creating your own world. Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote in 1937.