Activities At the First Church Of Religious Science NYC

Sunday Gathering / Sunday Science of Mind Lesson

These Lessons can Change the Course of Your Entire Life!

Many people are struggling right now. Even so, there are always ways to find inspiration, to get motivated, and take action in our lives to navigate the uncertainties and change. 

At the First Center for Spiritual Living, we present potentially life-changing discussions every week that will help you to improve and transform your life. 

We would like to invite you to join us in person if you are a New Yorker or if you are visiting the NY area.  We also would like to extend an invitation to you to join our ever-growing virtual community.

The First Church Of Religious Science NYC is the same center where the world renowned transformative teacher and spiritual leader, Louise Hay, received her education. 

At the center, we regularly highlight the teachings of Louise Hay and other New Thought greats.  We have a desire to make a positive impact on our local and virtual communities.

You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay Self Healing Lesson

In 1970, Louise Hay discovered the First Church Of Religious Science in New York City (formerly the First Church of Religious Science) and began learning new thought and the power of positive thinking & affirmations. Later she became a spiritual practitioner of this great center.

Louise Hay is now an icon in the self-help movement. Her fundamental message, the importance of loving yourself, has transformed the lives of millions. One of her best-selling books, “You Can Heal Your Life” sold more than 60 million copies worldwide!

At the First Church Of Religious Science NYC, we regularly highlight the teaching of Louise Hay every Thursday at 7:00PM (EST). Where we teach how to heal, transform your life, improve self-esteem and become more successful.

Completely FREE sign up today to join us online or in person to explore amazing possibilities for your life. We welcome ALL.

Join Our Community

A lot of wise and enlightened men and women from all different faiths and belief systems have gone before us. All have in one form or another intimated that we only get only one chance to make our mark in this physical world. There will never be another better time to rise up and claim your rightful place and start living your life as it was intended. Life is not a dress rehearsal and there is going to be no Act 2. Now, today is the day you start living your life to the full through spiritual healing and enlightenment.

You might be wondering, how exactly do I get up from under all the pressures of life piling on top of me? How do I rise from the depths of despair to live, to love and to laugh again? Well there is a very special reason why you are reading this article today, for it holds the answer to all your questions.

Every possibility you can imagine for your life is available for you to experience. All you have to do is believe there is more to your life than your current circumstances. Through use of the proper spiritual tools and guidance you will discover you already have the power within you to make the life you live, and indeed the world a much better place.

The First Centre for Spiritual Living is a warm and dynamic community ready to embrace you as you are and help you along the path to a better and enlightened life. Contact us to FREE sign up today so that you can join our lessons and embark on a spiritual journey that will take you from where you are now to where you rightly belong. We welcome ALL.

To learn more please contact us:

+1 212-688-0600

+1 929-620-3040

204 West 84th Street,

NY, NY 10024


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