Well being and bliss

I accept the fullness of my own divine wellness. Within myself is that which is perfect, that which is complete, that which is divine, that which was never born and cannot die, that which lives, which is presence – the Eternal Reality. Within myself is peace, poise, power, wholeness and happiness. All the power that there is and all the presence that there is, and all the life that there is, is Spirit, some may say the Living Spirit. The presence, the one energy and this spirit is within me. It is wholeness. It is never weary. It is never tired. It is Life. It is complete Peace. It is never afraid. It is never confused. It is always poised and peaceful. It is always in a state of perfect equilibrium.

Every image of fear is erased from my mind. Every sense of confusion leaves my thought. My mind, my consciousness now entertains and invites the awareness of spirit into everything I do, say, and think. I know this essence within me is wholeness, and my consciousness reflects this knowing. Wholeness into every cell, every function, every action, every reaction of my physical being. It reflects itself into my mind, so that everything I need each day is supplied.

There is something within me which goes before me and prepares the way in harmony. Consequently, my mind reflects the fullness of that Substance. I know I am supplied and supported. I release the idea of lack in my life. Peace, poise, power, perfection within me, is alive. I accept the fullness of my own divine Well-Being

When you get into our teaching you learn about the law of attraction or the law of mind. We do not teach that you can get what you want when you want it.  Can you imagine it, If we all got what we wanted how things would be ? It is certain that most of us would want things that would interfere with the well-being of someone else.

Let’s look at wellbeing as an idea and how get there.  The definition might be, “Contentment with all general aspects of life including: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, Economic and Psychological.

  • Physical: Maintaining a healthy body through regular exercise, proper nutrition, sleeping well and avoiding harmful habits. Are you content in this area?
  • Emotional: Being in touch with our emotional presence and being aware and comfortable with your own thoughts and feelings. Are you comfortable with your feelings and sensitive to others?
  • Spiritual:do you have a sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose?
  • Intellectual: Are you challenging yourself to learn and grow each day?
  • Are you comfortable with your environment? Can you thrive in your home and work environments?

You only come this way once that we are certain of, so choose as much as possible to do the work with love and doing something of interest and of value to yourself.

We find that prayer is an important key to happiness, for prayer sets the law of the Spirit of life in motion for our good. Ours is perhaps the most powerful type of prayer anyone has known.   Affirmative prayer builds up your consciousness in such a way that you will be able to utilize the power within and rely on it as never before.

The importance of well-being has been widely discussed but the concept itself is surprisingly complex.

Let’s look at well-being.

  1. Happiness: usually there’s a contentment in the person’s life.
  2. Energy: Feeling energized excited.
  3. Calmness: Feeling peaceful.
  4. Optimism: Having a sense of positive expectancy.
  5. Involvement: Feeling completely involved and engaged in what you do.
  6. Awareness: Being in touch with how you feel.
  7. Acceptance: Having a sense of self-acceptance and self-approval.
  8. Growth and expansion: Having a sense that you were growing and learning, advancing all the time.
  9. Purpose: Having an inkling and a sense of who we have come here to be.

10 Connection: Feeling connected to life itself and the people around you.

Ernest Holmes wrote, “Wherever you go,  know that the Spirit of Truth goes before and prepares the way, bringing to you every friend and influence that will be necessary to your comfort and well-being”. Wellbeing is a principle that applies to every area of our lives. The Spirit of Truth makes available everything we need for our well-being. When we hold this as Truth, we always know that we need not struggle, our well-being is guaranteed when we open ourselves to receive it. Let’s this be the month all struggle ceases and we relax into the well-being that is already ours.

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Comments (1)

  1. Celia Knight
    Celia Knight

    Today I am thinking about what is means to be connected to life. I often think about being connected to individual people and things. Being connected to life brings together ideas of peace and joy.

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