Love Heals

“When a man starts to build a world, he starts first with himself, out of labor of white hands and black hands, came the dream, the strength, the will, and the way to build America”

Happy Fourth July

What gives us freedom?  Is there something that gives us real independence, real freedom?
Our freedom comes not from our independence but from our true dependence upon Spirit. It comes from inviting the awareness of Spirit deeply into our hearts and minds and having faith in this power.

What is in a name?

We spoke of the names for this higher power and had a list of over a hundred, and suggested that there could be many more,
When it comes to that, your personal relationship with source. It is up to you to decide if it is a trinity, a presence, “The one” or what have you! And no one is wrong.

BLAST OFF and Countdown

I surely then have some inertia then. How about you ?  We long for change is so many areas but there is inertia ! What can we do ? What are we willing to do?

Are you longing for change?

 I watched the remake of a Star is Born last year and in the song “ Shallow” There was a haunting line: “Are you Longing for change?”  and do you want more? It was a powerful passage that speaks to the yearning in all of us.  


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