Make the Connection

Today’s lesson is about connection and its importance. The subject of connection is important,  The question we always ask in our classes and groups is, “Are you coming from connection?” And that’s really an important question.

 What does that mean? To someone who practices our teaching, understands that means they know they are connected to the one life. If I’m one with the one, if I have a realization, that I’m totally supplied and supported. But the fact is, most people that you know,  don’t come from this place. 

Your average person is not coming from this connected place and live with a lot of reaction. Most folks are acting and they’re reacting, and they’re without realizing who they are in a true sense.

So that’s a problem. Part and parcel of the process of learning to love yourself, is awakening to who you really are. If you’re awake, and you come into a teaching like this, and you realize that you are one with the one, then you’re in a place where you understand that there’s nothing and no one against you. 

There never could be if you have a deep spiritual realization of truth, which I know is a lot to ask of anybody. And I’m aware as people come into a call like this for the first time, people come in from such different places. Sometimes, you come in, and you might be very broken. By that, I mean, you may be hurting, you may have lost a job, you may have lost a relationship. The out picturing of your life could be pretty miserable. And you come into a place, a New Thought center, when you learn about the law of attraction, and you learn that you can change things. And that’s really exciting. And you can and you will change things for the better if you stay with it. And you can change things rather quickly.

 The part that they don’t often tell you and the part that’s tough, is the realization that ultimately what needs to change in the end is you. 

Because the teaching is very simple, though not always easy. Louise Hay. Our famous student from this center would always so eloquently say, “It’s all very simple. Your life is a mirror to you, whatever it is that spins within plays outside”. Whatever it is, that goes on within you, is playing at the movies of your life. In truth, there’s never anything outside of your consciousness.

So that’s really the journey we take. It’s the journey with self to self, to wake up to the greater truth of who you are, and what you are, and to the realization that you are empowered to change anything.

So how do you get there? How do you get there when half the time you play the blame game? How do you get there when half the time you’re making your life about somebody else?

 People spend a lot of time with the blame game. And when you come into a teaching like this, you very quickly realize there’s nobody to blame. Can’t blame the economy, can’t blame the president, can’t blame the political parties, can’t blame my spouse, can’t blame my employer. There’s no one to blame. We come up and we come to the realization that I again am the author of my own experience. I cannot be making my life about somebody else. You are the person who uses what Holmes talked about your executive power.

One thing I learned along the way in the Louise Hay classes and Ernest Holmes classes is, you can save your breath, trying to change people’s point of views. I don’t spend a lot of time trying to convince anybody to do anything.

 And I haven’t for many years, because I really know people do what they want to do. And you might know something passionately as many of us do in this teaching, but our knowing it doesn’t change anything with another person. Our knowing  changes our world.

Other people have other paths, and other people haven’t yet maybe arrived at the place of knowing that you might have, and that’s perfectly okay. Be glad you know and you realize all of this.

 I remember struggling with many of these concepts in my mid 20s, in my early 30s, and very much playing the blame game. I’d be blaming my parents, I’d be blaming the people I was living with, or the jobs, the employers. I’d be angry at all kinds of things. I had not yet learned that perfection of life, which said “All is Well”

When you come to the point in your inner knowing where you know, the perfection of life, and how sweet it is, and how good it is, there’s a bunch of things that happen. There’s are a lot of worries that just goes away from you. The corpses that Ernest Holmes talked about, that we carry the burdens that we carry, it’s like they evaporate. Where we come to realize that nothing and no one is against us, we’re coming to realize our goodness. This isn’t about anybody other than our own selves. 

And we have power within us that we can harness, that meet in transcend all situations.

So how do you get there? How do you get there when half the time you play the blame game? How do you get there when half the time you’re making your life about somebody else?

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